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2003/06/27 2020/05/26

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Muna Madan is one of the finest poetry produced in Nepalese literature written by Laxmi Prasad Devkota. Sumnima The story is about the powerful attraction that exists between a Brahmin boy and an ordinary girl. Muna Madan is based on an 18th-century ballad in Nepal Bhasa entitled Ji Waya La Lachhi Maduni (it has not been a month since I came). The song, which is popular in Newar society, tells the story of a merchant from Kathmandu who leaves for Tibet on business leaving behind his newly wed bride. Muna Madan is based on an 18th-century ballad in Nepal Bhasa entitled Ji Waya La Lachhi Maduni (it has not been a month since I came).[1][2][3] The song, which is popular in Newar society, tells the story of a merchant from 2003/06/27 2015/01/04 2009/12/02 2013/04/08

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